Our Programs

Our programs .

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How can you help It Takes A Village Grace Ministries

For more information

Contact Us at: www.ittakesavillagegraceministries@gmail.com

It all begins with an idea and collaboration. Maybe you want to become a missionary. Maybe you want to invest in the most vulnerable, the orphaned, the widowed and or impoverished Christian leader. Turn your longing to do more for humanity a reality.


Widow's program

Our program is full of hands-on activities and educational prompts that can help others who desire to start a widows aboard programs.

ITAVGM I AM Orphaned Initiative

Our Big Kids program incorporates more advanced learning opportunities without sacrificing any fun.



Group 4-8

If you have four to eight participants , this special combo offer will your group access to both curriculums at 20% off.

Start the adventure today.